NHS Providers chief calls for government action on nursing workforce crisis

Expressing apprehension over the concerning decline in the nursing workforce, Sir Julian Hartley, CEO of NHS Providers, urged the forthcoming government
to bolster investment in nursing education and enhance support for student nurses.

Recent analysis from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has projected that the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan will fall short by 10,000 new nurses by 2025.

Commenting on the RCN analysis, Sir Hartley underscored the critical importance of having an adequate number of nurses to ensure the delivery of safe,
high-quality patient care.

“Without enough nurses, the delivery of safe, high-quality patient care is compromised,” he said.

He cautioned that the predicted shortfall in nurses would exacerbate existing pressures on the NHS, resulting in long waiting times, delayed treatments and
staff burnout.