Marriage made in heaven: GP-Pharmacist duo foster synergy with mental wellbeing walks

In the competitive landscape of healthcare, strategic alliances can be a game-changer. Dr. Dupe, a General Practitioner at Christchurch Clinics, and Baba, a
Pharmacist at Christchurch Pharmacy, married for 24-years cultivate their synergy through mental wellbeing walks.

Their recent 24 kilometres fundraising walk to support a local hospice – Farleigh Hospice, is one of such.

Having met Dupe first in 1994, first as interns at a teaching hospital, now married, the couple offer a comprehensive range of services, including pharmacy, private
clinics, homecare services as proprietors of Christchurch Health-centre in Braintree.

gp; pharmacist; mental wellbeing walks, healthcare
Dupe and Baba in their clinic
Dr. Dupe and Pharmacist Baba Akomolafe in their clinic, demonstrating their synergy and dedication to patient care.
United by faith, a love for healthcare, and a shared commitment to service the community, their ‘Mental Wealth Management’ as they call it comprises of daily
morning walks covering a distance of six kilometres.