Author: thehealingbliss

Sleep is the body’s way of restoring itself and renewing cells. A lack of sleep or poor quality of nighttime sleep can have a negative impact on our body. Weariness... Read More

Plantar fasciitis-related inflammation can be lessened by the anti-inflammatory qualities of aloe vera’s bioactive components.2.5 Apply a topical application of aloe vera gel to the foot soles to aid in... Read More

If you play sports in high school, you have undoubtedly arrived at practice or a game feeling famished. Regardless of your sport, eating well on game day is your hidden... Read More

High blood pressure or hypertension is a leading cause of many cardiovascular diseases. It occurs when the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high. According to... Read More

Essential oils are natural compounds found in the petals, stems, roots, and bark of plants. They’re typically removed from the plant though steam distillation. Each type of oil has its... Read More

Although our bodies require cholesterol to operate correctly, having too much of it can be harmful. High cholesterol can lead to major blood problems, such as clots, as well as... Read More

When the sniffles and coughs of the common cold or flu hit, many people look for relief from their kitchen cupboards and traditional remedies passed down through generations. Here are... Read More